Why Should You Read a Book Every day!
Imagine this: reading every day is hard. You hate it. After all, why waste your time with something like that when you could be doing anything else. For example, you could be grinding levels for your favorite video game, indulging in a hobby, playing sports, or hanging out with friends. Reading just seems like a chore, it’s boring, tedious, and an overall waste of time. You don’t feel like you’re gaining anything from it.
Well let me tell you, I was once in the same boat. We are all interested in reading at some point though, that’s what makes us want to form some reading habits. For me, I became interested in reading in first grade, yet even then, I wasn’t reading unless it was a required assignment.
Overall, my interest slowly waned. Until it sparked. It took me a while to become a full-fledged bookworm, but that isn’t the goal here. I’m writing this to tell you, readers, why you should read more books.
Reading benefits:
There are many benefits to building good reading habits, and I’ve heard that people like doing that which will benefit them. (Though this doesn’t apply when eating junk food). Reading a lot improves your vocabulary, mental health, makes it easier to get through assignments faster, and overall makes you feel smarter.
Now I don’t know about you, but these things seem like a major plus. Additionally, reading is a good stress reliever, for those reading fiction, it’s a form of escapism. There’s a reason for the saying that “reading opens you to new worlds” . It’s true. I’ve been lost in a book so many times that I cannot even hear the person next to me, even if they’re shouting!
How to form reading Habits:
You should read about your interests. Yeah, it sounds dumb at first. In fact, it seems totally obvious. How is reading about your interests going to help get through your 30 pages assigned history textbook reading? Well, the only way to stay engaged in a book is to actually enjoy the source material. So read about animals as an animal lover, Sci-fi for science geeks, and so on. It’s really not that hard.
Another way is to just set a 10 minute timer and read your book. Once time’s up, you can stop. Reading everyday for hours on end is hard, and not many people do that. This is just a misconception that bookworms spend hours every day reading. Bookworms have busy lives just like you, so taking 10 minutes out of your day can help you to get used to reading, and soon, you’ll look forward to those 10 minutes of reading.
How to Get Through Assigned Readings:
a.) Read it in a funny or dramatic voice out loud. Mainly helps with history readings because you feel like the narrator of some violent historical drama rather than a student. This helps to read more slowly instead of just skimming through the text, consequently helping to absorb the information better. Also, it helps to have fun while you’re at it.
b.) React: Imagine you’re reading about Napoleon Bonaparte. You might say to yourself, “Wow, he’s a total psychopath!”
Well if you search it up, you’ll come up with memes about the Napoleon complex, how short people overcompensate for their height by having a domineering and aggressive attitude.